It has long been the case that American women are generally more liberal than American men. But among young Americans, this gender gap has widened into an enormous rift: According to recent Gallup polling, there is a 30-point differencebetween the number of women age 18–30 who self-identify as liberal and the number of men in that demographic who do the same.

That’s largely because young women have gotten much more liberal, while young men have stayed ideologically more consistent—or, according to other analyses, become more conservative and anti-feminist. (Of course, not every person identifies as a man or woman. But gender roles still play a big part in shaping our lives and politics, and in the context of this column, I am focusing mostly on the vast majority of Americans who identify as one or the other.) It’s not happening just here either; the political divide between the sexes is a trend that researchers are observing in some other countries too.

    6 months ago

    What’s more, over 90% of sexual violence is perpetrated by men.

    This is such a problematic statistic to bring up. It means nothing to the victims and their needs, or how should we help them. It also doesn’t matter from a prevention point of view, since the vast majority of men are not rapists. It only serves to reframe the issue from “abusers against victims” to “men against women”.

    at least a power fantasy that places them in control, which is preferable to the alternative

    What is that alternative, then? That’s the problem, I do not see anyone proposing an alternative role to men in society.