Usually their hot topics are bitching about housing and simping for TOP but these days I’ve noticed a lot more posts to the extent of “labour sucks and now I have no choice but to vote for national >:(”. Unsure if this reflects a general change in sentiment or if certain parties are spending their excess donations on buying out accounts. Worth mentioning I’ve noticed inflammatory topics posted by accounts that have been dead for years.

    1 year ago

    The right wing machine set up shop here at the invite of NZ first

    History shows they play the long game. Neither Brexit nor Trumpism were hatched in a day or even one election cycle.

    Unfortunately they targeted and won /r/nz which is now a cesspool of right wing pustules oozing their disgusting slimy output all day long

    1 year ago

    I gave up on reddit completely when the third party app I used stopped working, so I haven’t seen whatever the latest dumpster fire over there is, but that doesn’t surprise me

    It felt like it was getting brigaded to all hell for a long time before that, chock full of anti-cogoverance, tuff on crime, pro act party nonsense that would absolutely surge in particular posts. It was especially obvious when there was that big terf counter protest and the Marama cis white men video.

    Then in between all of that, there were still constant posts being like “why is this sub so left wing :( :( :(”

      1 year ago

      That is a favourite of the far-right, they bleat about it being so left wing while the discourse gets further & further dominated by their rhetoric.

      1 year ago

      It felt like it was getting brigaded to all hell for a long time before that, chock full of anti-cogoverance, tuff on crime, pro act party nonsense that would absolutely surge in particular posts.

      I’ve felt like this a lot when reading it, too. It seems very polarised. You can have a couple of posts saying relatively similar things maybe a few days apart. One of them might go nearly untouched and possibly even have worthwhile discussions whereas the other gets hit with intense toxicity to the extent that it’s demoralising even to try and be involved in a rational discussion.

      I get that people have opinions on things and we’re never all going to agree, but I know there are also quite a lot of younger people who hang out in r/nz … including on the younger end of being teenagers. I find it depressing that some might grow up find this type of toxic conflict, or especially toxic opinions (imho at least) normalised.

      As far as Marama Davidson is concerned, whatever criticism might be levelled at her, when people start hating her and bitching about her because it seems like the trendy thing to do (which seems to be a lot of what’s happening when I’ve asked people), rather than because they have a clear understanding of why they think that way and why they need to articulate it as they do, there seems to be something quite wrong.

        1 year ago

        One of them might go nearly untouched and possibly even have worthwhile discussions whereas the other gets hit with intense toxicity to the extent that it’s demoralising even to try and be involved in a rational discussion.

        I noticed this too, and had no interest continuing in there when the apps got cut off.

        As far as Marama Davidson is concerned, whatever criticism might be levelled at her, when people start hating her and bitching about her because it seems like the trendy thing to do

        I didn’t think it was a particularly sensible thing to say but holy crap, the level of hate that brought up was insane. Like a whole bunch of dudes got the slightest taste of what it might feel like to be on the other end of legit discrimination and lost their fucking minds. No sense of irony though given the horrible shit you’d see there about Maori.

        Completely lost of course was the fact that it was in response to ‘counterspin media’ sticking a camera in her face shouting nonsense about trans people being pedophiles.

          1 year ago

          I didn’t think it was a particularly sensible thing to say but holy crap, the level of hate that brought up was insane.

          Yes and I think part of what gets me is that it’s still going. It’s really common to see people exclaim something like “I quite like the Greens (for some reason) but there’s no way I’ll vote for them while Marama Davidson’s there…” but frequently they can’t articulate why they dislike her so much. It’s just become normalised to express dislike of her, or worse, and then expect to be rewarded for it, or something like that. In a forum where we reward each other for what we say via rating buttons, our brains are being trained that expressing hate for Marama Davidson will be rewarded with a dopamine hit.

          Recently I’ve been following RNZ’s Undercurrent podcast. Episode 5 (Muddying the water) covers what’s happening for politicians. Much of it is sadly what we’ve come to expect regarding the amount of toxicity, hate and threats that politicians get from certain sectors of the public.

          As well as referencing the two UK MPs who’ve been quite brutally murdered in public in recent years, they interviewed James Shaw about being physically attacked and beaten while he walked to work. Golriz Ghahraman, who seems to be another favourite target for hating in social media, talks about all the threats and hate and lies about her that she has to cope with. It notes that in March when Posie Parker visited, Marama Davidson was the target of intense online attacks that spiked to a level of abusive content, particularly from the far right and neo-nazis, higher than anyone else in NZ has ever faced except for Jacinda Ardern. This was all at about the time that r/nz was going insane, which to me suggests that r/nz’s normalised dislike of Marama Davidson, by people who are probably otherwise relatively normal - sometimes adolescents, has been guided by neo-nazis. If that’s the case, what should we then be reading into all the other topics that draw so much controversy or predictable dislike, whether it’s Three Waters, Te Pāti Māori, and so on?

          What really struck me with the episode, though, is that Brooke van Velden acknowledged that “some people” get some forms of abuse and threats, but she herself doesn’t believe it’s that large and nor does she feel threatened. Nicola Willis also said that while she accepts this happens to other people and is concerned about it, she doesn’t get a lot of it herself.

          I think this is likely more complex than strictly being a partisan thing, but to me that sort of comparison really shows up how, at least right now, one side of politics is really attracting this abuse whereas the other side seems to be passively benefitting from it, just kind of cruising and happy to see that big negative cloud surround their opponents without really wanting to acknowledge where it’s coming from. There’s a lot of “sure it’s not very nice what that person over there is saying, who supports the same thing I do, but don’t blame me because I’m not saying it.” A few years ago, maybe it was the other way around with people like Simon Bridges or Judith Collins on the receiving end, or not, but whatever the case right now that’s not what’s happening.

          I don’t know how we deal with this effectively, but I can’t see how we can unless people like Brooke van Velden, Seymour, etc, who are passively benefitting, get up and own it, and unambiguously tell people outright who support them that what they’re doing to those on the other side is absolutely not acceptable.

            1 year ago

            Jesus dude, did you really try and blame nazis for being the reason so many people dislike Marama?

            No, it’s because she singled out and attacked a chunk of NZ’s population, obviously we took it personally.

            Good grief.

              1 year ago

              Okay ‘guided’ might’ve been the wrong word, but more just that they’re involved in the discussions more than most people are likely to encounter offline, and that’s going to affect the tone. We shouldn’t ignore it because these days a lot of us spend a lot of time hanging around r/nz and other places like it and forming opinions.

              We don’t (and can’t) assess people who contribute online in the same way as people we interact with in person. When a trigger topic comes up, and everyone who’s attracted to it converges on each other, we’ll get more exposed to those views and dopamine kicks from interactions with people we’d never have encountered the same way elsewhere. For anything resembling murky common ground, they encourage us and we encourage them, and there’s none of that inconvenient stigma to deal with from knowing who the other person really is or what they’ll take from it.

          1 year ago

          There’s a few things that happened after the fact to make the Marama thing blow up a lot more, the first was her “apology” was more of a “what I really meant to say was”. She never directly acknowledged a lot of what was in that statement.

          The second one was, whether by incompetence or malice, the mods deleted a number of posts on the topic before it finally gained traction, meaning that by then, people were pissed

          I think it’s also why it gets brought up so often as well, it has definitely become a running joke.

      1 year ago

      chock full of anti-cogoverance, tuff on crime, pro act party nonsense

      Have you considered the possibility people genuinely hold those views? And became more vocal as a result of Marama’s actions?

      It’s not being brigaded, just a change in views of some of the sub’s users.

        1 year ago

        Have you considered the possibility people genuinely hold those views? And became more vocal as a result of Marama’s actions?

        I considered it briefly and dismissed it out of hand.

        1. Only an insane unhinged moron would take one statement from one person and then decide that the entire party is racist and all their policies are racist and then go on social media braying like a donkey screaming that green party is a racist party like the nazis.
        2. Greens are not Labour and only the above mentioned moron would blame Labour party for Marama’s statement.
        1 year ago

        Have you considered the possibility people genuinely hold those views? And became more vocal as a result of Marama’s actions?

        You’ve just described the entire reason brigading exists, to give that impression.

        The place leaned centre right at best on a number of issues, so you could always see when something quickly surged outside of usual activity levels.

        The Marama thing was actually the most obvious example. For several days there was almost nothing else on there. Low effort memes posted in the middle of the night with shit that showed they’d clearly jumped in from elsewhere, like using the Australian greens party logo instead of the NZ one.

          1 year ago

          There’s two reasons why the Marama thing took off.

          First, the moderators deleted a number of posts on the topic when it first happened, so when a post finally stayed up long enough to gain traction, people were pissed at the moderators. r/subredditdrama also brought a number of users from outside NZ.

          Second, it was so bad that it drew a number of lurkers out of the woodwork to comment. People posted at odd hours because not everyone keeps the same hours you do.

          Take off the tinfoil hat, and accept that a number of people genuinely hold different views to you.

    1 year ago

    I’m not a big political poster, but I’ve noticed the sub has gotten a lot worse. It’s interesting to click on profiles and see the crossover of posters that are active in ConservativeKiwi, or brand new accounts posting inflammatory posts.

    I do think there is a general frustration with Labour growing, however change for the sake of change isn’t a good way to vote in my opinion. The whole right vs. left divisiveness is toxic in my view and we can see how it’s negatively affecting other countries like the US. In saying that, I can’t help but feel a National government will set this country back. Nothing they’ve proposed has struck me as for the benefit of all of NZ society. Labour is not perfect either, but I prefer a more socially progressive government than a conservative one.

      1 year ago

      You’re right about the subreddit getting worse, although there’s never been a point in time where it hasn’t been a shithole, at least not recently.

      The moderators also showed their colours with all the deleted posts RE Marama Davidson, before they realised they couldn’t bury it any more. A lot of people were absolutely pissed after that.

        1 year ago

        I’m kind of undecided about them, but I definitely don’t envy them. You’re bound to piss someone off no matter what you do moderating that sub. There seems to be some that think they shouldn’t moderate at all and let upvotes/downvotes decide, but I think this would ultimately make the sub even worse. It’s just too easy now for bots/trolls/brigading and general bad faith posting to happen.

    1 year ago

    There’s a good reason for this, the collective left have let this country down, and TOP supporters are aware we think they’re a joke.

      1 year ago

      Contrary to this commenter, I believe the current government has done a good job of navigating a globally challenging time that has hit every country. Although I think they could have made more meaningful changes, I understand that the circumstances of the last 3 years means they have had to be very careful with what they tackle. I think we would be in a worse state if a fiscally conservative political party had been in power.

        1 year ago

        Although I think they could have made more meaningful changes,

        That’s a very polite way of putting it.

          1 year ago

          No it isn’t, it’s exactly what I think. They have done a lot of good, but could have done more. I suspect they would have were there not a global pandemic, terrorist activity and multiple natural disasters during their terms.

              1 year ago

              And yet their policies have seen a significant cooling of the housing market. Sure, Kiwibuild did not go ahead as planned. On this point, I agree. However, to point to this failed policy and claim they are completely useless, or they are letting the country down, when there is a mountain of good they have done in their time in office is very intellectually dishonest.

                1 year ago

                You try to shift the blame from them to the wider economy, my point was they were already fucking up before all that happened.

                  1 year ago

                  If you read carefully, you will see that I am overall happy with their performance, although there are some things I think they could have done more were circumstances different.

                  I do not think there is any blame needs shifting. They have done a good job with the cards they have been dealt. Not perfect, but good. And no, I do not see a pre-pandemic policy which did not go as planned and subsequently dismiss all further progress.

        1 year ago

        I thought that was just habit on OP’s behalf, I don’t bother with that echo chamber anymore.

        My point remains the same though, Labour have just missed so many opportunities throughout their two terms, and actively made things worse in many ways.