Usually their hot topics are bitching about housing and simping for TOP but these days I’ve noticed a lot more posts to the extent of “labour sucks and now I have no choice but to vote for national >:(”. Unsure if this reflects a general change in sentiment or if certain parties are spending their excess donations on buying out accounts. Worth mentioning I’ve noticed inflammatory topics posted by accounts that have been dead for years.

    1 year ago

    There’s two reasons why the Marama thing took off.

    First, the moderators deleted a number of posts on the topic when it first happened, so when a post finally stayed up long enough to gain traction, people were pissed at the moderators. r/subredditdrama also brought a number of users from outside NZ.

    Second, it was so bad that it drew a number of lurkers out of the woodwork to comment. People posted at odd hours because not everyone keeps the same hours you do.

    Take off the tinfoil hat, and accept that a number of people genuinely hold different views to you.