• SmilingSolaris@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    “the military launched a coup”. Really? The whole military? All against Hirohito himself. Musta been a Chad to single handedly stop the entire Japanese military from couping him.

    What you meant to say is a cadre of young officers attempted to storm some government buildings before being put down quickly by the Japanese military.

    But ya know what they say. Grain of truth and all that.

    Hey, have you ever looked into the Japanese negotiation strategy for peace against the “unconditional terms” we ended up giving them? I’ll save you the trouble, they are identical. The problem is that by refusing to negotiate and demanding unconditional surrender, you don’t care about stopping the war and saving lives. You care about making your years of jingoistic demands seem legit. We demanded unconditional surrender not because we didn’t like their terms, but because we needed to embarrass them for political points back home.

    That is not worth nuking 2 cities for.

    Imagine killing two urban centers worth of civilians for the sole purpose of proving a point. Scum.