Despite Bill Barr’s repeatedly voicing concerns about Donald Trump, he has now said he will vote for him again this November

Bill Barr has claimed Donald Trump often suggested executing his political rivals during heated moments of his four-year tenure in the White House.

Former White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin told The View back in December that Mr Trump once called for a staff member to be put to death for leaking a story about the then-president going down to a bunker during Black Lives Matter protests in summer 2020.

Former Trump administration attorney general Mr Barr was asked about the claims during an interview on CNN last week.

        5 months ago

        we can do anything we set our minds to. we have the technology to allow one half of america to coordinate something that the other half has no clue about.

        i honestly want to know how we can make it to the end of this century with half of the population perpetuating a culture of cruelty. how long will you deprive future generations of the utopia that we could be enjoying NOW if only the obstacles to that path were removed? how many innocent creatures will suffer and die before we do something?

          5 months ago

          Anything?!?!? Like, changing the world without killing millions of the most vulnerable among us?

          And yes, millions are dying now anyway, but that won’t stop if just start killing more people faster.

          Russia are the bad guys because they invaded another country. That is unacceptable violence. Ukraine are the good guys because they’re defending themselves. That is acceptable violence. If Ukraine had preemptively attacked Russia, they wouldn’t be the good guys. Hamas are the bad guys because they targeted civilians. If they had only attacked military targets, I don’t think things in Gaza would have gone so bad so fast. The Israeli government and military are also the bad guys, and in fact they probably think they’re doing exactly what you’re advocating for. Kill the bad guys before they do anything bad to make the world better/safer for everyone else. That’s the problem when your only solution is killing.

          You seem to arguing that the only solution to 1/2 the world being cruel is for the other 1/2 to be cruel, too…we can’t end suffering by inflicting suffering…even if went perfectly we’d still have a world where 1/2 the people were cruel, it’d just be a different 1/2.

            5 months ago

            okay. tell me how you realistically think we’re going to avoid the coming dystopia then. show me a practical path that creates change for the better in time to stop our destructive path.

              5 months ago

              We’re seeing it now. I don’t know how old you are, I’m assuming you are in your teens or early 20s? Even 5 years ago, what we’re seeing on college campuses now would have been, literally, unimaginable. Especially in the face of such harsh crackdown. I was in the US military when DOMA was repealed in 2013. The questions people asked felt legitimate at the time, but in retrospect, they all sound like arguments from 75 years ago. People were concerned about LGB couples in base housing, getting benefits, etc. At one point, the General giving us the briefing last his patience and just yelled at the old guys hounding on those questions that they could quit being bigoted or leave the service. I left the TQ+ off intentionally because those people weren’t even an afterthought at that point in time. We’ve got legal medical and recreational marijuana in about 1/2 the country and even got some cities experimenting with UBI. I cannot stress how absolutely wild the idea of any level of American government just giving people money…no strings attached is to people who grew up hearing about welfare queens and worries people were buying the wrong foods with their food stamps.

              Solidarity is the path. Unionize, vote in numbers large enough to overwhelm, then dismantle gerrymandering. Tell the stories of the disadvantaged and underprivileged to as many people as you can. Get involved in politics at the local level…not just every 4 years. Support RCV, welcome mid- and high- density housing in your neighborhood. Use whatever privileges you have under this system to be the voice for those without said privileges.

              It’s a big world, it won’t change overnight…and if it did, it’s unlikely that change would last. Even if it changed over 20 years, it might not last unless we take the time to convince a majority of the people that those changes are worth protecting.

              It’s hard work, and it’s frustratingly slow at times. Burning down the house easy, building it isn’t.

                5 months ago

                All this completely ignores corporate greed ruining the planet. You’re talking about social issues. These are just the carrots that they (the owners) dangle in front of you to appease you every so many years. This is not a path towards utopia (which is currently completely feasible). This is just social progress.

                You think they’re ever going to just allow themselves to be dethroned?

                I’m 50. I’ve been watching this shit show closely since 9/11. Let me tell you, this is all just progress theater. Protests on campus? lol. They don’t care. They’ll just use it to justify more authoritarianism. They’ll let you show your activism on social media until you get bored of it, finally cave in and become another cog in the machine.

                None of you are any different from the hippies in the 60’s. They will infantilize you in the media (they already are) and move on. Slow progress is just the status quo now. None of it will stop the next near extinction event that is coming.