Sorry about that ridiculous watermark.

    4 months ago

    There is no metaphysical “you” that exists outside of the software running in your head.

    100% agreed.

    You would experience perfect continuity if your body was dismantled and reconstructed.

    I’m going to explain it a different way.

    This is Bill.


    I’m going to transport Bill over here.


    That’s still the same Bill, right? There’s continuity?

    Now I’m going to do a Tom Riker, and unsuccessfully transport Bill.


    Which one is the real Bill?

    If I’m understanding your argument right, you seem to think both of these are Bill. Which they are, but they’re not the same Bill. Despite both of them subjectively feeling a sense of continuity, only Left Bill has existed for more than a few seconds. If I correct my mistake by shooting Left Bill in the head, his subjective experience of being Bill is over. If I never made the mistake, and successfully dismantled him, the same would occur. For him, continuity is not maintained through the transporter.

    I was never concerned with whether the me that steps out of the transporter experiences continuity. I’m only concerned with whether the me that exists right now does.