The Goodhue Police Department resigned due to issues with the city’s pay, Mayor Ellen Anderson Buck said at a city council meeting Monday.

    1 year ago

    You seem to be imagining things about people you don’t know based on prejudice. Kinda like holding up a strawman to pretend to fight.

    I support all of Americans’ Constitutional rights 100% but that doesn’t equate to actively trying to put guns in people’s hands. There’s clearly a place for regulation of the right, and we have that in place currently with age limits and background checks required for all retail gun purchases. Gun safety courses are required for a hunter to get a hunting license. So we have gun control already and I’m OK with that.

    I’m not OK with any further restrictions on our Constitutional Rights, and I believe that more rights should be added rather than any infringements of the ones we already have. For example there should be a right to Privacy and Bodily Autonomy added to the US Constitution. We should also add some form of a right to access basic healthcare, without forcing any doctors to work without pay or in undue hardship.