The amount of money most workers want now to accept a job reached a record high this year, a sign that inflation is alive and well at least in the labor market.

According to the latest New York Federal Reserve employment survey released Monday, the average “reservation wage,” or the minimum acceptable salary offer to switch jobs, rose to $78,645 during the second quarter of 2023.

That’s an increase of about 8% from just a year ago and is the highest level ever in a data series that goes back to the beginning of 2014. Over the past three years, which entails the Covid era, the level has risen more than 22%. The number is significant in that wages increasingly have been recognized as a driving force in inflation. While goods prices have abated since pushing overall inflation to its highest level in more than 40 years in mid-2022, other factors continue to keep it well above the Fed’s targeted rate of 2%.

The New York Fed data is consistent with an Atlanta Fed tracker, which shows wages overall rising at a 6% annual rate but job switchers seeing 7% gains.

Employers have been trying to keep pace with the wage demands, pushing the average full-time offer up to $69,475, a 14% surge in the past year. The actual expected annual salary rose to $67,416, a gain of more than $7,000 from a year ago and also a new high.

Though there was a gap between the wage workers wanted and what was offered, satisfaction with compensation and upward mobility increased across the board.

With markets on edge over what the Fed’s next policy step will be, more signs of a tight labor market raise the likelihood that policymakers will keep interest rates higher for longer. At their July meeting, officials noted that wages “were still rising at rates above levels assessed to be consistent with the sustained achievement” of the 2% inflation goal, minutes from the meeting said.

Monday’s survey results also showed some other mixed patterns in the labor market.

Job seekers, or those who have looked for work in the previous four weeks, declined to 19.4% from 24.7% a year ago. That came as job openings fell by 738,000 to 9.58 million, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The likelihood of switching jobs fell, dropping to 10.6% from 11% a year ago, while expectations of being offered a new job also declined, to 18.7% from 21.1%.

    1 year ago

    I’m in my thirties begging for more than 28,000/y

    Seriously I should probably kill myself or become a martyr.

    If you’re poor living paycheck to paycheck you essentially just exist to pay tax for war and death. …maybe a few roads if you’re in a predominantly wealthy area.

    So for real… It’s more humble and respectable to kill myself then work to pay others to kill other people for me so I can have the “freedom” to be a slave for the war machine. The other choice is claw at and rape other people’s lives working the American game to get rich until I am able to ignore that the modern worlds still run on slavery and manipulation. no good options.

    That’s why the youth are hungry to get at all the crooks. Politicians, mob criminals, CEO etc… They all represent the same evil and same tactics.

    No one cares if you’re a street kinping or Jeff bezos. You are the enemy Of humanity full stop.

      1 year ago

      I just want to say, you’re not alone. Inflation is still charging ahead, groceries are expensive, daycare is expensive, and the news keeps saying it’s our fault. It’s not. You should get more than 28k. I don’t think anyone working full time should be below 50k plus benefits. If you are having a hard time making ends meet and feeling that pressure it changes how you see the world and how you see other people. It almost drove me mad.

      I hope you find some support to get through the rough patch. Hang in there bro, we’re rooting for you too.

        1 year ago

        There’s no rough patch, man. This is it. This is the new reality.

        The only thing stopping this train is outright revolt, and I don’t see that happening any time soon. Although, the more people get pushed to their limits, the more likely it becomes.

          1 year ago

          That’s why the powers that be are inflaming the two political sides against each other, so we have the second north vs south (figuratively) revolution instead of the more appropriate French Revolution.

      1 year ago

      Please do not become a martyr, there are tons of people that do this every day and unfortunately due to our shitty planet, their cries for help are dampened even after their passing.

      I know life seems like it may suck really bad, believe me, I’ve been there, several times. Just hang in there, there is always an opportunity out of this shithole.

      Life isn’t about money either, I myself have spent most of my life in poverty having to fight for what I’ve had. Think about the possessions you’d leave behind that money cannot buy. Friends, family, pets, memories. You can’t take what you physically own with you, but you can’t take those things either.

      If you need someone to talk to, I am here for you. If you are in distress, please PLEASE seek professional help. I and many others love you and are very proud of you, and even if we do not know you and have never met, we would feel deep regret and sorrow for your loss.