So I’ve mostly fixed up a 3DS picked up off eBay.

The last issue is an odd one. On boot it acts as though Dpad down is being held, the odd part is it only does this for about 5 seconds after boot, then stops and acts perfectly normal the rest of the time it’s been booted. It’s always about 5 seconds with or without any interaction

Once powered off and on it does it again.

The big problem though is if I boot to gm9 it won’t stop and I suspect it is causing a freeze issue when attempting to execute a script

Anybody know what’s up? I’ve already cleaned the pads with isopropyl

  • cm0002@lemmy.worldOP
    30 days ago

    Turns out it wasn’t the Dpad. It was the replacement circle pad joystick being dead on the y axis lol that’s what I get for going for the cheapest possible lmao

    Another replacement joystick later and it works perfect now