When Max Himsl opened his electronic ballot on Friday, he was dismayed to see a candidate missing from the list of options.

Voting absentee electronically while living abroad, Himsl saw that under the options for president, only Republican Donald Trump and Independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. were listed. Missing was Democrat Kamala Harris.

“I’m upset my democratic process was interrupted,” he said.

Election officials were notified of the error shortly after the Electronic Absentee System that allows certain voters to cast their ballot electronically went live on Friday at 8 a.m., according to the Montana Secretary of State’s Office which reported that the error was isolated to the online system.

  • Treczoks@lemmy.world
    9 days ago

    There are genuine “first day errors”, and there are things so completely off, they should not have reached first day at all. I mean, the list of candidates is the key issue here, and nobody even f-ing had looked at it prior to the start?