In many parts of Europe, it’s common for workers to take off weeks at a time, especially during the summer. Envious Americans say it’s time for the U.S. to follow suit.

Some 66% of U.S. workers say companies should adopt extended vacation policies, like a month off in August, in their workplaces, according to a Morning Consult survey of 1,047 U.S. adults.

    1 year ago

    I appreciate it! My boss is a good dude and is helping me figure it out. It’s his boss that are the bastards. Luckily I have a very supportive partner who told me to just do my best and if they don’t like it, they can fire me and I can take some time off (she does well financially too and we have a solid savings account). I’m in a decent situation but I couldn’t imagine being in this situation and being 1 check away from living on the streets like millions of people are.

    Here’s how tired I am: I went to bed at 6pm last night and woke up at 8:30am. I failed to mention I’m also back in college as well so…I’m exhausted.