Our previous record was 1294 on March 1st.

We broke it yesterday on September 7 by a whopping 480 more visits, or ~140%.

I sincerely thank whoever linked us to their community for this. I think in this case it was visits from communists as the visits log showed that they read a ton of pages, mostly having to do with political figures in the US but not only.

This comes after we almost had set a new record only days earlier on the 5th when, that time, a possible liberal linked us somewhere as we had lots of people looking at our page on the Holodomor (which we differentiate from the soviet famine of 1931-33 in a different page).

It doesn’t matter where the visits come from. If they’re haters or we’re preaching to the choir. What matters is that websites are meant to be seen, and if people visit them, then that’s half the work already done. It’s even better when we get hateposted somewhere because then we reach out of our usual niche. It only takes you agreeing with one thing on prolewiki to come back for a second visit.

Great things are happening and it’s only upwards from here on out.