I know it sounds like I’m feeding into some Doomer vibe, or like I’m giving up. I’m not, I will absolutely continue going to food drives and joining the occasional protest if I can, but my serious question I’ve been kinda struggling with is whether registration for voting is even worth it? I mean in my area there aren’t really 3rd parties, just a bunch of Jackass Democrats and Greedy Republicans yelling about how they’re more American. I suppose there are some referendums, but nothing that really helps people especially. I remember in 2016(I was a lib) I had told a friend that not voting creates a more dangerous situation for POC and LGBTQIA people that we know personally. The fucked up thing about what I said is that it kinda ignores the sad reality that Democrats often toss aside these groups as sacrifices for a few more votes. So Idk how to proceed. My potential vote for a Dem governor will make me feel worse than when I voted for Biden bc I know better. I can tell myself that I genuinely didn’t know better when I voted for Biden, I was a Dem who was willing to do anything to beat the Far Right, and I got what I wanted, just not what I expected. Sorry for the long Body Text, but as a USA comrade in a strongly Blue State, is voting worth anything? Thank you.

  • commet-alt-w@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    voting can net local communities some gain. the corrupt nature of larger politics makes it hard to get substantial change tho. presidents don’t impact much change alone. chesa boudin, the recently ousted sanfran d.a. was making a lot of healthy changes and got booted by larger powers. jackson mississippi has had at least some success with overtaking corrupt politics, but only to be met with oversight bribes for the recent battle to fix their water supplies, amongst other attacks by larger governatorial forces. another example is chicago fighting to remove corrupt judges, only to be met with redistricting and redlining of community boundaries, and fraudulent voting practices with poor excuses from the state

    average voters in this country have no say in foreign policy

    it’s not an easy yes or no, what matters is that we’re collectively building up duel power as a part of a larger /for the people/ strategy that stops relying on corportaist leeches and their super pac funded elites. not an easy thing to do considering the extremely violent nature of politics and policing in this country. the forces against forwardness, and their strategies, at least make themselves evident in the struggle.

    the name of the game right now is more militant organizing, and continue building up the new labor movement as much as possible. join political organizations, frso/psl. get involved locally first, where people can actually influence change