• pqdinfo@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I don’t think it’s that surprising. Both are often linked to a distrust of the establishment, and the pharmaceutical industry is obviously a part of that. Indeed, the fact the government is on the one hand saying “Cannabis is terrible and will turn you into a total monster” while simultaneously saying “Oxycontin is fine, doctors can prescribe it because capitalism”, is a major problem and undermines the government when it is being run by less terrible people who are trying to do the right thing.

    (Note, before anyone thinks I have that mentality: I’m taking a vaccine booster whatever that fuck DeSantis says as soon as I’m eligible, and you should wear a mask if you can without people being violent to you, but government corruption on a minor to medium scale such as the War on Drugs and the Oxycontin bullshit is how we end up with conspiracy theorists who’ll believe the UN wants them to eat bugs, scientists invented global warming as a way to increase government power, and that we never go to the moon.)