Was looking for my industrialist song and turned up with this unfinished one instead. Well, here goes:
I’ve got a small problem, most leftists ain’t pure
The prospect of revisionism is too much a lure
China is revisionist, prolewiki has rats
It’s time to go thermonuclear, destroy those impure brats
I’ve got almighty Hoxha, the man’s on my side
They only have revisionist Deng to save their revisionist hides
I want to destroy them all, turn them into bloody smears
That’s my entire life’s work, gotta go thermonuclear
Construct some more bunkers to stop the revision army
ignore material conditions, now they can’t harm me
Cower in my bunker all day and night
Let the revisionists come and then we’ll fight
I’m no revisionist, I’m as left as they come
I’m not like those lemmygrad rats who support revisionist Deng
Listen to me for a while and then you’ll understand
Why it’s certain that they will be crushed by Hoxha’s mighty hand
It was all the revisionist prolewiki’s fault
they banned me so I made an alt
but then they banned those alternates, too
exposed my life story like an exhibit at the zoo
And then they told fabricated lies designed to smear the name of I and the great anti-revisionist Enver Hoxha, so that they might force me to go…
I’m sorry but Deng Xiaoping provided a very positive role in China, much like with any leader, I don’t agree with everything he did, there is nuance to everyone, but to dismiss Deng’s contributions to Socialism with Chinese Characteristics is dishonest imo, China’s economic development grew enormously under Deng and his policies are still taken into consideration when developing policies to this day in the PRC. I can respect elements of Hoxha’s views and policies but anti-Deng stuff is a bit much. Also Prolewiki is better than 99.9% of the rest of the internet, I’d take it easy with dissing people who are genuinely interested in communism and anti-imperialism, these peoples’ hearts are in the right place, it’s important to think about that every now and then
I’m fairly sure this is satirical, OP is referencing Wisconcom
Wheew, thank god