I am a 52 y/o child free man (reddit refugee), married to a 42 y/o child free woman. We are retiring in the next 3-4 years.

Happy to talk to any other child free people or answer questions about a child free lifestyle.

Let’s build up this community. ☺

  • nokidding@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Hi, I am a 30yo zero-offspring single man. This childfree living is the way to go for me. Do some of you people have any tips for handling relatives that might start outputting some “fill the earth” style stuff if they find out that I underwent vasectomy (I got that operation this week) 🤔 I am happy with the procedure, I don’t just want to get guilt tripping from my family or some friends. It’s kind of frustrating because I am a Christian myself, and there is a risk some people start saying some very mean stuff in real life. It’s a tough situation with some people, really. I don’t want to hurt their feelings and don’t want to say any mockery stuff to them, especially as I believe in “sky daddy” like they do, I just view some things differently from some of them, especially that “You have to make kids if you get married” stuff.

    EDIT: I came to the conclusion on my own that there is just no reason to give a sheet about people’s opinions, that is, if some relative starts being nasty, I can just leave that place immediately and put that person on my ignore list. I am just so bored with some people sniffing around and gossiping about things that are not their business. I am not dependent on those people. My first-degree relatives are all pretty cool fortunately, there just are all kinds of people further down in the family tree.