Proud father of zero wonderful kids (or kids overall). All my children were raised with [Line 2023:07:11: Error: variable 'care' is not compatible with type Sterile64. Maybe there are no compatible tubes to implement typeclass 'Father'?]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • A rather short read, but a very relatable classic to my mind: The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

    Think of the wolf in that fairy tale as a childfree person trying to help the children to flee from their malicious breeder mother. Perhaps not too surprisingly, the wolf was blamed for everything and the breeder with her brainwashed children even pulled the plug on the wolf and celebrated its demise probably thinking that getting rid of that selfish hateful bigot of a childfree wolf was a virtue and that it was time to go and be fruitful and continue to never think the thought that rarely crosses anybody’s mind: “Maybe I am the bad guy?”

  • I’ll tell some background on why I asked the original question.

    I am using a setup where I have adjusted the amount of blue light emitted by my display to as low levels as I could from the interface accessible through the physical buttons in my display. My display is also set to be so dim that when some other people took a look at my display, they had a hard time seeing almost anything even at a good viewing angle.

    I also have the night light feature set to as warm as possible on my Ubuntu Linux.

    I can also easily control all other possible light sources in the place I am in, including blocking virtually any and all sunlight.

    I do know that ambient lighting can be beneficial to the eyes, however. I solely came up with the original question out of curiosity and actual real life setting in mind.

    The display I use does look like it is from the control panel of a submarine but that is not a problem to me as a programmer that uses no syntax highlighting as I see no need (or any positive effect from highlighting in my case: I wouldn’t read a novel with different words in different colors; I find such features in editors distracting (and Vim or a similar editor without plugins tends to be pure bliss compared to IDEs)) to highlight syntax while programming; all the semantic information I need is in the source code text (i.e., without color data) itself (excluding e.g. colorForth when rendered the way that language is (AFAIK) typically rendered on the screen).

  • I agree. It’s like so many modern parents almost thought that their kids won’t survive a moment without the parents being at close range to the kids. I have viewed quite a many different very old photos and paintings featuring a multitude of gentlemen and/or ladies at different festivities. The majority of those kinds of pictures that I have seen featured no children whatsoever. People at that time used to have more kids than modern parents on average, so I think the IMHO overly child-centered lifestyle of many modern parents is pretty silly. IMO parents should care for their kids but not worship them. The dinner party people’s kids in the “good old days” survived with someone else looking after them; the world would be pretty much void of humans if they didn’t survive, anyway.

  • WARNING: contains mental health topics In my case, there were, to put it mildly, rough times in my teenage years regarding my mental wellbeing, so your last paragraph sounds to a quite high extent relatable, actually. The human brain is especially interesting when one has experienced it do weird stuff. But I find that rising like a Phoenix bird from that mental torment (I am so glad the rising happened) has actually been a thing that made me a better thinker than I would have been without all that happening. Mental anguish in the form of anxiety and feeling low about myself and life persisted for quite a long time but in the last few years my wellbeing finally improved a lot and those feelings have mostly subsided. To the point, I have during my years on this earth so far concentrated so much on metathinking about the mind and other mind-related self-improvement that I nowadays have a perhaps exceptionally high awareness of thoughts and feelings happening in me and lots of self mind control capacity, leading to the conclusion that in my opinion, if you have felt for a very long time that you definitely don’t want kids, in my experience that may very well be a thing that is there to persist. One thing I would recommend to consider when thinking about the choice on whether to have a permanent birth control is whether having kids was something you were strongly wishing in your teenage years or adulthood. For me, there was almost all the time no will to ever have children, except for some rather short periods I was kind of thinking about it but those were really strictly exceptions in the whole timescale. Also, which would be more horrible to you: having a child when you don’t want one or being unable to have one when you cannot, no matter how much you want to have one? It might also be a decent idea to estimate the odds of those feelings happening, were you to choose the applicable option in the sterilization choice. I myself in my case have no fear of ever having the regrets of my no offspring decision. And even if that sadness somehow happened, one thing to think of to help to ease that emotion is the meaning of the saying “the grass is always greener on the other side”. One cannot both have kids and not have kids. The choice of no kids grew even stronger in the last decade of my life and was super strong for several years before I did the vasectomy. I never was a person that really liked to be around kids, even as a five year old I usually preferred and picked the option of listening to adults talk stuff and somewhat partake in the discussion myself when my family was visiting friends and relatives rather than play with other kids, though that too happened. The adults just were even back then intellectually more in sync with me than the other kids. There is in my opinion no set-in-stone best age to start considering the operation. I myself maybe half a decade ago read about that operation on the internet and it resonated with me (I knew of vasectomy as a phenomenon much earlier, but only at that later time I started to strongly think about it and pretty quickly I knew it was the thing that I was just going to do (which did become true months after I got old enough to get the procedure easily here in Finland). Sterilization is one of those things I cannot recommend lightly, as in, without thinking very well through that thing and one’s feelings about that, a sterilization can very easily cause lots of regrets. Sterilization is like crossing a no return line in the floor of life. If you want to still be able to walk back to that safe zone of child creation ability, sterilization may not be for you at the time being. The thing, however, is that life is always an uncertain adventure. For some people these kinds of choices are easy and for some they are not. For me the choice was pretty easy but I did make sure to think through it thoroughly enough to not fear that there would be a wish in me to reproduce. Hopefully this gives some food for thought. Take care and remember that it’s your decision. Sometimes in life it is good to think about things some more. Sometimes, it however is time to just go for it. Take care.

    Disclaimer (because I don’t want this post taken down): THIS IS NOT A CONTRACT. THIS IS NOT AN AGREEMENT. This is not medical advice. I am not a medical care professional. I am not a lawyer. Contact a licensed professional at your own cost and at your own risk in cases you need medical or any other kind of advice. The above text is based on my personal life experience and should be taken with a grain of salt (unless your doctor has ordered you to limit your sodium consumption). The above text is not a recommendation to undergo any form of therapy, treatment or any procedure whatsoever. I accept no responsibility for any financial, social or the Big Baby industry related damages or any other forms of damages or injuries arising from reading the above text or arising from being influenced by the above text. I accept no responsibility whatsoever. The use of the information contained in the above text is at your own risk. In case of a legal conservatorship or guardianship, the use of the information contained in the above text is also subject to a written approval from the appropriate entity. The correctness of the above text is in no way guaranteed. The above text is provided for entertainment purposes only. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (excluding those that have been transferred or forfeited by a written contract signed by me).

  • The older I get, the less I let others decide what to wear or what to look like. After being treated poorly by lots of people for decades, I have realized that trying to normalize anything is useless. You don’t need normalization to do it. The only thing you need is to just do it. When it comes to clothes, I basically wear sports clothing everywhere, be it a wedding or a business meeting. People sometimes block me at the entrance to a party but I don’t care. If you don’t accept me, I’ll just drive my cow pattern Porsche 911 elsewhere. That is the true rock’n’roll lifestyle. Don’t conform, be the trendsetter. It can pay off as it has paid off for me.

  • Hi, I am a 30yo zero-offspring single man. This childfree living is the way to go for me. Do some of you people have any tips for handling relatives that might start outputting some “fill the earth” style stuff if they find out that I underwent vasectomy (I got that operation this week) 🤔 I am happy with the procedure, I don’t just want to get guilt tripping from my family or some friends. It’s kind of frustrating because I am a Christian myself, and there is a risk some people start saying some very mean stuff in real life. It’s a tough situation with some people, really. I don’t want to hurt their feelings and don’t want to say any mockery stuff to them, especially as I believe in “sky daddy” like they do, I just view some things differently from some of them, especially that “You have to make kids if you get married” stuff.

    EDIT: I came to the conclusion on my own that there is just no reason to give a sheet about people’s opinions, that is, if some relative starts being nasty, I can just leave that place immediately and put that person on my ignore list. I am just so bored with some people sniffing around and gossiping about things that are not their business. I am not dependent on those people. My first-degree relatives are all pretty cool fortunately, there just are all kinds of people further down in the family tree.

  • Hi! I basically escaped reddit a few hours after I made an account there. The childfree subreddit didn’t allow new redditors to publish a story so that was it for me there. I removed the app and started writing new things here after a night sleep. Before sleep, around midnight in feelings of post-vasectomy childfree euphoria, I used almost 2 hours writing a reddit post and then it got autoremoved for not having enough karma or online time though 🤪 I have spent several thousands of hours on reddit without signing in anyway. Now, after that ruined reddit experience, I say with certainty that I like it better here in every possible way, anyway. Some rough times at reddit. Open is also better than closed when it comes to the web. As they say, Lemmy is the new Kilmister 🤘 (RIP 1945-2015, forever missed) ♠️