California cannot ban gun owners from having detachable magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, a federal judge ruled Friday.

The decision from U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez won’t take effect immediately. California Attorney General Rob Bonta, a Democrat, has already filed a notice to appeal the ruling. The ban is likely to remain in effect while the case is still pending.

This is the second time Benitez has struck down California’s law banning certain types of magazines. The first time he struck it down — way back in 2017 — an appeals court ended up reversing his decision.

    1 year ago

    In the context of the constitution, “regulated” means “trained”. So rather than meaning a militia that is heavily regulated by the state, they’re talking about trained people. Moreover, it was understood that the people that were being called up were armed with their personal weapons–not supplied by the gov’t–and that they were going to be shooting on their own time.

    The frames of the constitution intended the people to have access to military arms, to be training themselves in their use, and to be ready to use them at a moment’s notice.

    They opposed a standing military and police force for all the reasons that we’ve seen over the last (almost) 250 years.