California cannot ban gun owners from having detachable magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, a federal judge ruled Friday.

The decision from U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez won’t take effect immediately. California Attorney General Rob Bonta, a Democrat, has already filed a notice to appeal the ruling. The ban is likely to remain in effect while the case is still pending.

This is the second time Benitez has struck down California’s law banning certain types of magazines. The first time he struck it down — way back in 2017 — an appeals court ended up reversing his decision.

    1 year ago

    Oh look, they’ve done nothing.

    I mean, have you asked yourself why? There was once a time that gun control wasn’t a partisan issue and those with knowledge of guns openly supported new restrictions. Gun advocacy groups were actively involved in helping to write the legislation.

    What changed? The thing that changed is that those who were afraid of any and all guns fought tooth and nail to prevent the laws that didn’t work from being walked back. The gun owners were called names and accused of heinous things for having a different opinion. The result has been that restrictions continually get tighter, even when they clearly are not doing anything to help the situation. After a century of this, the knee jerk response is to try to prevent any and all gun control.

    Look at your posts here. You have called me names and are assuming a whole lot of things about my views based on a few comments. I have done far more to advocate for liberal causes at a grassroots level than 99% of the people on here. I wager this includes yourself.

    I have been a part of political activism for everything from ending marijuana prohibition to seeing the end of bans on gay marriage. I advocated for BLM and mask restrictions during the pandemic. I have ended up on the front page of the news chained to city hall in defense of liberal causes. You see that I disagree with you one one small thing and just start spewing hate.

    In order for this to work we need actual meaningful discourse from both sides, and realistically both pro and anti gun people fail miserably at this because of how far things have devolved.

    I think the first step in building mutual trust on this issue would be to accept some lessening of restrictions on the laws that don’t work. Take suppressors off of the NFA list, for example. Stop calling for an assault weapons ban when we previously had one and the FBI’s analysis showed it had zero meaningful impact. Maybe then we can actually talk to each other in a cooperative manner to make progress.

      1 year ago

      I mean, have you asked yourself why? There was once a time that gun control wasn’t a partisan issue and those with knowledge of guns openly supported new restrictions. Gun advocacy groups were actively involved in helping to write the legislation.

      And then the Republicans started taking millions of dollars from gun manufacturers and every “solution” the pro-gun crowd has come up with since just happens to align with what is most profitable and personally convient.

      Because after all, only evil industries like tobacco and asbestos would happily let people die painful deaths for a few hundreds dollars profit, not loveable, cuddly gun manufacturers

      What changed? The thing that changed is that those who were afraid of any and all guns fought tooth and nail to prevent the laws that didn’t work from being walked back. The gun owners were called names and accused of heinous things for having a different opinion. The result has been that restrictions continually get tighter, even when they clearly are not doing anything to help the situation. After a century of this, the knee jerk response is to try to prevent any and all gun control.

      The “it’s your fault I’m a bad person” excuse, adored by abusive partners the world over. Why haven’t any of your promises come true in Texas? Because they’re lies.

      Look at your posts here. You have called me names and are assuming a whole lot of things about my views based on a few comments. I have done far more to advocate for liberal causes at a grassroots level than 99% of the people on here. I wager this includes yourself.

      Oh boo hoo. Have you tried shooting your feelings? Maybe sending some death threats to children who survived a school shooting will make you feel better.

      If you don’t want to be associated with those people, that’s too bad. I’m not going to sit down with every fuckwit with a gun on the internet and learn every nuance of their opinions. You’ve had 25 years old politeness and you’ve solved nothing, leading to the preventable deaths of thousands of people.

      I have been a part of political activism for everything from ending marijuana prohibition to seeing the end of bans on gay marriage. I advocated for BLM and mask restrictions during the pandemic.

      And what protest did you attend when a legal gun owner shot a black child through a door?

      In order for this to work we need actual meaningful discourse from both sides, and realistically both pro and anti gun people fail miserably at this because of how far things have devolved.

      Nope, fuck that. You’ve spent 25 years gatekeeping how and when the conversation is allowed to happen and you’ve used it to accomplish absolutely nothing.

      The way forward is completely disregard everything the pro-gun community says. None of your promises have come true and other people’s lives are more important than your hobby and hero fantasies.

      I think the first step in building mutual trust on this issue would be to accept some lessening of restrictions on the laws that don’t work. Take suppressors off of the NFA list, for example. Stop calling for an assault weapons ban when we previously had one and the FBI’s analysis showed it had zero meaningful impact. Maybe then we can actually talk to each other in a cooperative manner to make progress

      Oh what a fucking plot twist. The first step is pandering to the pro-gun crowd, followed by some more pandering to the pro-gun crowd.

      And what does society get in return? Maybe you’ll talk.

      I’ve got a better idea, we’ll just take your guns and you can fuck off.

        1 year ago

        The “it’s your fault I’m a bad person” excuse, adored by abusive partners the world over.

        See, this is exactly the issue with America today. Someone disagrees with you on something with nuance and that immediately means they’re a “bad person”

        The way forward is completely disregard everything the pro-gun community says.

        Uhh huh. How’s that working out?

        I’ve got a better idea, we’ll just take your guns and you can fuck off.

        Annndddd here’s the truth. SHOCKER that there’s no cooperation here isn’t it?!