• TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    This doesn’t work when the party you allow to win will take away your vote and weaponize the justice department to a never before seen level. Just like how respect and norms don’t work at restraining fascists, neither does withholding your vote when fascists are so popular. If history has shown us anything, the dems are more likely to slide further right if better policies don’t win them more votes. Rich educated neolibs who want poor people to die, but not the gays, are a more consistent voting base then young people. If dems think they can steal more of those assholes from Republicans than bring out left wing dems, they’ll slide to the right.

    • PopularUsername@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Voting blocks are very successful at getting what they want, but they can only do that if their threat to not vote for the party in question is taken seriously. The NRA doesn’t get what it wants because it commits to always vote Republican no matter what.

      I get your point of view, and my argument is overly idealized and difficult to implement, but I genuinely don’t see it working without the ability to use your vote to negotiate. Besides money, it is the only thing they care about. I’m not American, but from Canada, and I can tell you from an outsider’s perspective your two-party system looks completely dysfunctional. We basically have a three/four-party system for our federal gov and I’d take that any day over a two-party system. Granted America controls the reserve currency and the world army, so it was bound to consume itself at some point, maybe it doesn’t matter how it is set up.

      • TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I agree. Our system is terrible. We can form internal coalitions and vote for slightly better options in primaries, but because the enemy will actually kill us, we have to go with the shitty option in the end. The bigger issue is still the culture and propaganda, but the two party system kind of needs to exist because of the winner take all presidency.