Hi everyone,

I’ve been told by others with ADHD that they think I have it. But I sometimes wonder if it’s not just bad habits / low willpower / low discipline / the internet and it’s short and fast instant gratification.

I have been to a psychiatrist and he said it sounds like I might have ADD/ADHD/something. (I don’t know the exact differences, as I’m new to it.)

Here are some issues (symptoms?) that I struggle with:

  1. Easily distracted.
  2. Easily overwhelmed / overstimulated by smells, noise / textures.
  3. Items in no. 2 make it hard to focus / work
  4. Mind is almost always running at 100km/hr.
  5. Been told I’m very random and my thoughts are very much so.
  6. Feels like a machine of thoughts are going off all the time in my head.
  7. Hard to relax / shut down.
  8. Can’t listen to music with any lyrics, gets stuck on repeat in my head for days and wake up at night with the song playing like a recording.
  9. Always extreme one way or the other, struggle with balance.
  10. Often jittery, tapping my feet, drumming with my hands on my lap.
  11. Jaw gets sore from clenching it all the time, even at night.
  12. Can’t listen to music for longer than 3 songs, and can only be instrumental / ambient.
  13. White noise is best, but makes me sleepy.
  14. Can’t listen to the radio or podcasts when walking or driving. Always want silence.
  15. Get worked up quickly, always an underlying tension in my mind and body.
  16. Can only spend time in small groups with very close people. Otherwise I want to crawl into a dark hole.
  17. Our town is too big, not even a city, want to live in the country. All the details and sound and litter and people and visuals drive me up the wall.
  18. I notice EVERYTHING.
  19. I can’t sit still for very long.
  20. I can get lost for hours researching a tooic IF I’m interested in it.
  21. Procrastination level is “over 9000.”
  22. Takes a LOT to get me to even START doing something I’m not interested in.
  23. Crap, I think this list is just going to keep going, so I’m just going to submit it now…
  • Plastic frog@lemm.eeOP
    11 months ago

    Strange, I went to look up ASD (didn’t know the acronym for aspergers) and did a search to get a comparison. Lots of the things on these lists don’t align with me:


    For example, here is a mix of ADHD and Aspergers:

    • difficulty regulating attention >>> yes
    • trouble following social rules and understanding social cues or norms >>> no
    • high impulsivity >>> no
    • having an intense interest in one topic or object >>> yes
    • different speech or language traits from neurotypical people, such as speech without inflection or trouble - controlling volume or pitch >>> no
    • trouble understanding humor, irony, or sarcasm >>> only sarcasm
    • difficulties understanding the give-and-take of conversations or seeming to be engaged with conversations, - although some people with ADHD may interrupt others who are talking >>> maybe, depends on context
    • trouble showing empathy >>> no, been told I’m a strong empath, to my own detriment
    • trouble making eye contact and other nonverbal communication, such as facial expressions or body gestures >>> only when talking, not when listening
    • trouble understanding social rules >>> **no, but definitely didn’t understand some nuances with social groups in school / college **
    • developmental delays in motor skills in some cases >>> no
    • trouble focusing or paying attention to details >>> depends on the task
    • being easily distracted and forgetful >>> yes
    • trouble following instructions and finishing schoolwork, job duties, or chores >>> yes, bits of everything
    • daydreaming often >>> yes, but then it goes online to find answers / deep dive
    • taking physical risks or playing too rough >>> no
    • being impatient and having trouble sitting still during quiet activities >>> can meditate for long, but yes can get up often and walk around or tapping legs / feet
    • understanding but breaking rules or not listening to directions >>> no too much of a rule follower, makes my brain so angry when others do actually not follow the rules, despite trying everything to talk it down or explain it away
    • repetitive rituals or routines >>> no, maybe washing hands and face / cleaning self
    • different speech or language traits from neurotypical people >>> not sure
    • difficulty interacting with others >>> with small talk / superficial chat
    • clumsy or uncoordinated motor movements, such as a walk that appears bouncy or tilted >>> hurt myself almost daily, clumsy level over 9000
    • problems interpreting and responding to non-verbal communication, such as facial gestures or expressions >>> no
    • increased anxiety or depression >>> yes, very much so
    • forgetfulness, losing things often >>> did I lock the car / house / forget event / topic / words that are common or was just discussed
    • taking unnecessary risks or making careless mistakes >>> maybe
    • difficulties with resisting impulses or temptations >>> yes, very very much
    • trouble following directions or rules >>> no, very pro for rules / laws / doing what’s right for everyone
    • fidgeting or touching everything around them >>> yes
    • trouble with quiet tasks or sitting still >>> can meditate for long, but yes can get up often and walk around or tapping legs / feet
    • impatience or having a hard time waiting, sharing, or taking turns >>> no