• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • Thanks everyone for your feedback, it’s been a real eye opener. Day one gone of the double dose now, and I can only say it felt like I drank lots of coffee. (I only drink decaf, for anxiety and jaw grinding reasons.)

    However, I had energy, I got ZERO work done today. :-(

    I was hoping it would help, but it just stimulated my thoughts and curiosities even more. So I just browsed and read all day. Still jumping from random task to random task, not staying in one place.

    Maybe it is just a bad habit / lack of drive / no willpower / lack of self discipline issue. :-(

  • Plastic frog@lemm.eeOPtoADHD@lemmy.worldADHD or just bad habits?
    11 months ago

    Quick update since I’ve posted this here: I saw someone and I’ve been given concerta on a medium dose, as to see whether it helps. I know some friends and family that say only vivance helped them, but it’s way out of my price range. Even this concerta generic is already 2/3 of the vivance price.

    On day 2 of concerta, and I don’t feel much, despite it being one of the “instant kick-in slower release” meds out there.

    Yesterday, the first day, did feel like my thoughts weren’t so rapid, perhaps slower. But the biggest thing was that I felt like my thoughts weren’t shooting out in 360 degrees all the time, like chaotic. It felt more like they were more together, or focused, like a drain pipe going forwards from my head, not frazzled and static like before.

    Today doesn’t feel like anything. :-/

  • Plastic frog@lemm.eeOPtoADHD@lemmy.worldADHD or just bad habits?
    11 months ago

    Strange, I went to look up ASD (didn’t know the acronym for aspergers) and did a search to get a comparison. Lots of the things on these lists don’t align with me:


    For example, here is a mix of ADHD and Aspergers:

    • difficulty regulating attention >>> yes
    • trouble following social rules and understanding social cues or norms >>> no
    • high impulsivity >>> no
    • having an intense interest in one topic or object >>> yes
    • different speech or language traits from neurotypical people, such as speech without inflection or trouble - controlling volume or pitch >>> no
    • trouble understanding humor, irony, or sarcasm >>> only sarcasm
    • difficulties understanding the give-and-take of conversations or seeming to be engaged with conversations, - although some people with ADHD may interrupt others who are talking >>> maybe, depends on context
    • trouble showing empathy >>> no, been told I’m a strong empath, to my own detriment
    • trouble making eye contact and other nonverbal communication, such as facial expressions or body gestures >>> only when talking, not when listening
    • trouble understanding social rules >>> **no, but definitely didn’t understand some nuances with social groups in school / college **
    • developmental delays in motor skills in some cases >>> no
    • trouble focusing or paying attention to details >>> depends on the task
    • being easily distracted and forgetful >>> yes
    • trouble following instructions and finishing schoolwork, job duties, or chores >>> yes, bits of everything
    • daydreaming often >>> yes, but then it goes online to find answers / deep dive
    • taking physical risks or playing too rough >>> no
    • being impatient and having trouble sitting still during quiet activities >>> can meditate for long, but yes can get up often and walk around or tapping legs / feet
    • understanding but breaking rules or not listening to directions >>> no too much of a rule follower, makes my brain so angry when others do actually not follow the rules, despite trying everything to talk it down or explain it away
    • repetitive rituals or routines >>> no, maybe washing hands and face / cleaning self
    • different speech or language traits from neurotypical people >>> not sure
    • difficulty interacting with others >>> with small talk / superficial chat
    • clumsy or uncoordinated motor movements, such as a walk that appears bouncy or tilted >>> hurt myself almost daily, clumsy level over 9000
    • problems interpreting and responding to non-verbal communication, such as facial gestures or expressions >>> no
    • increased anxiety or depression >>> yes, very much so
    • forgetfulness, losing things often >>> did I lock the car / house / forget event / topic / words that are common or was just discussed
    • taking unnecessary risks or making careless mistakes >>> maybe
    • difficulties with resisting impulses or temptations >>> yes, very very much
    • trouble following directions or rules >>> no, very pro for rules / laws / doing what’s right for everyone
    • fidgeting or touching everything around them >>> yes
    • trouble with quiet tasks or sitting still >>> can meditate for long, but yes can get up often and walk around or tapping legs / feet
    • impatience or having a hard time waiting, sharing, or taking turns >>> no

  • Plastic frog@lemm.eeOPtoADHD@lemmy.worldADHD or just bad habits?
    11 months ago

    Thank you every one for your extremely kind and well thought out posts. I apologise for replying so late, but the responses were so many and so well written, I (ironically?) got overwhelmed and froze up.

    I’m sorry if i didn’t reply to everyone’s posts, but your kindness and willingness to support, explain and uphold as a community is truly heart warming.

    So this post will be saved for all the golden nuggets that need to be looked into and read up on further.

    Thanks again, so much, to all of you. I have the details of some psychiatrists, and will establish contact to take this further.

  • Plastic frog@lemm.eeOPtoADHD@lemmy.worldADHD or just bad habits?
    11 months ago

    Thanks so much for sharing, your support motivates me to get it checked out. I just don’t have the patience (no pun intended) with the doctors and trying all the different meds. Been on 2 ADHD meds that didn’t work, as well as on my 5 type of antidepressant / anxiety meds. :-/

    Still far from good. Struggling a lot.