• the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    I know the utility and validity of IQ tests are highly questionable, and fash gonna fash.

    But I’ve seen this posted a couple times and it keeps making me wonder - isn’t it much more likely that the causes of any negative cognitive effects the Palestinians are suffering are malnutrition, CPTSD, and disrupted education?

    • atomkarinca@lemmygrad.ml
      11 months ago

      that’s ignoring the fact that they don’t even have potable water, let alone iq tests. this is just stupid inside and out. it just shows the intelligance of the original poster.

    • uralsolo [he/him]@hexbear.net
      11 months ago

      Yeah, comparing populations with IQ is specious BS, but you can track IQ over time and see what messes up people’s ability to take a test pretty easily. One that sticks out in my mind is kids in American schools who don’t get breakfast scoring something huge like twenty points lower even when you control for other factors, the constant deprivation of living in Gaza undoubtedly does huge damage.

    • 新星 [he/him/CPC bot]@lemmygrad.ml
      11 months ago

      I’ve seen this thread before on Hexbear. The figure is true but it’s of children and then being compared to a “British IQ” which makes any result useless functionally speaking.

  • Catradora-Stalinism☭@lemmygrad.ml
    11 months ago

    also its mostly because most of gaza is very young children, combine that with low available funding for education and boom

    Every problem of palestine can always be primarly be the fault of israel

  • Anarcho-Bolshevik@lemmygrad.ml
    11 months ago

    [A]ssociating Jews with recessive traits had a special appeal for two main reasons. The first had to do with the high rate of consanguineous marriages among Jews. As mentioned above, even prior to the spread of Mendelian teaching, Jews were considered as the prime example for a nation built on the principle of inbreeding. “The Jews,” stated an Austrian doctor in 1897, “are the only people that set up their inbreeding principle on a spiritual basis.”


    Under Mendelian suppositions, such inbreeding led not only to homozygosity and racial purity, but also to an increased rate of manifestations of malignant recessive traits. Both characterizations fit very well in describing the Jews as simultaneously the most pure race and the one most replete with genetic diseases.

    Associating Jews with inbreeding, recessive Mendelian factors and degenerative phenomena thus became a recurring theme in anthropological and medical literature.

    (Emphasis added. Source.)

    • Justice@lemmygrad.ml
      11 months ago

      Yeahhhhhh… I have to imagine the original poster (not the OP here and not you; the screenshotted person) was purposely forcing this to be drawn out and discussed because they’re probably a literal Nazi. Almost anyone vaguely familiar with genetics and human genetics specifically (my undergrad was in bio) has read about inbreeding within the Jewish community (the Amish are another example often talked about. Obviously the European “royals” too, but fuck them).

      It’s useful in a genetic/biological/medical sense, which is why these studies even exist, but outside of the direct professional and academic communities that research this stuff to improve medical treatments and such it’s mostly just used by Nazis to… “prove” whatever it is they’re seeking to prove.

      Years back some white supremacists were trying to use a study about lactose tolerance/intolerance around the world to “prove” white people were superior because many Europeans can drink and digest milk without issue. They seemed unaware that while certain ethnic groups do absolutely tend towards lactose intolerance, that has no correlation with skin color or whatever the hell they were trying to tie it to. Skull shapes and shit.

      They also tried (somewhat famously) to tie intelligence directly to genetics via “race” and ethnicity. There was even a fun little book written in the 90s, IIRC, but even more recently in the last couple decades as the field of human genetics has exploded there’s been a bunch of studies on human intelligence and what genes might or might not contribute to intelligence. I admit to having last read into the subject as part of a “Human Evolutionary Genetics” course about… four? years ago, but the conclusions then were basically summed up like: “there is no “intelligence gene(s).” Like we’ve discovered across all fields of genetics, most of the phenotypic traits “we” took as meaningful or attributable to genetics in some capacity are incredibly complex, not attributable to one or even several genes, but rather a currently unknown (maybe never known) number of genes and how they’re expressed depending on environmental factors.” So, basically, even if we accept on the surface level that some people are more intelligent (good luck defining intelligence), it can almost always be tied directly back, at the population level, to… hey, material conditions! People who have the proper caloric intake, especially as children, and have access to proper medical treatment, education, shelter, etc. grow up to their full potential, which it turns out, is pretty much exactly the same across all populations of humans. It’s just “funny” how racist white people love to compare the (made up, bullshit) IQ tests, etc. of white kids vs kids in a country that was in just the last century under colonial rule and still hasn’t been freed. They seem to conveniently mistake “kids who have all their needs met are healthier and more able to study and learn” with “material conditions? No, no! It is simply the superior Aryan brain!”

      Anyway, TLDR, when I see people citing genetic studies outside of medical circles I get one of those bright red “!” over my head, a loud pinging noise goes off in my brain and I go “huh?!”

      • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]@hexbear.net
        11 months ago

        because many Europeans can drink and digest milk without issue

        Casually genociding the entirety of Eastern and Southern Europe in order to welcome hundreds of millions of Pakistani Sindhis and Punjabis


        • Justice@lemmygrad.ml
          11 months ago

          Yeah… they really didn’t look at the map, I guess. Probably the first kinda-smart one read it and was like “I’ll just go on the internet today and tell lies.” And the rest after that didn’t read it all, just a tweet or title and immediately went to the store to buy cottage cheese and whole milk to chug on camera. Truly the master race.

  • idahocom@lemmygrad.ml
    11 months ago

    Honestly if you wanna go down this route the Palestinians I’ve met were easily smarter than the all thr Anglos I’ve met. The same BS IQ tests the Anglos use also show them having lower IQs than Asians and yet you never see them mention that.

    • doublepepperoni [none/use name]@hexbear.net
      11 months ago

      They actually mention it a lot. They use it as a cover to prop up the validity of racial IQ scores. “You say the concept is white supremacist even though it clearly suggests Asians are more intelligent than white people???”

      Asians supposedly having a higher IQ isn’t a big deal for them, much like black athletes beating the Nazis at the Olympics wasn’t a deathblow to the concept of the Aryan superman. They think Asians are a hiveminded bug people and that white people have just the right balance of different traits that makes them fully human