• 11 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022

  • While that strain of thought is definitely present in the minds of a lot of white evangelical christians, etc, I’m not convinced that all these secular people are doing settler colonialism for religious reasons. These are not the crusades. It seems to me that the Palestinians have stuff they want, namely land, and they want to take it from them. That, and the west wants a country that doubles as a military base in that strategically significant part of the world.

    I think framing this as a religious conflict really misses the essence of how fascism works. Think of manifest destiny. It doesn’t really matter if God thinks white settlers should kill every Indian from coast to coast. It’s something they already wanted to do, and the religious component is a half-baked justification. Whether or not people believe that nonsense is basically irrelevant.

    I’m just not sure that concept is on the minds of many settlers is all.

  • “Biden’s going to do what he’s gonna do, but I still get to go home and do X enjoyable thing tonight. We all woke up this morning. That’s good news!”

    Brain melting. These are the same people who spent over half a decade screaming and crying and shitting themselves over how bad the Orange Man is. What do they even dislike about him? The mean tweets? I spit on these fucking spineless cowards.

    These are people who don’t pay attention to politics because they don’t need to. All they need to do to satisfy themselves is virtue signal about how bad racism is, apparently by voting for the man who enacts the very white supremacist policies of the man they claim to despise. “Vote blue no matter who” is nothing but a free cult of loyal followers for every person with a D next to their name. Democrats have been grifting these hogs’ anti-Trump hysteria for way too long. It’s poisoning their brains.

    You are not an elitist, and you need not drag yourself down to the lowest common denominator.

  • Maybe this is a little bit of a cop-out, but I say if you want to learn a language, whether it has a massive community of speakers, small isolated enclaves of speakers, or none at all, you should go ahead and learn it. There’s no real downside unless you factor in the opportunity cost, that being you could have learned another, more “useful” language in the meantime, but would you have done so? Probably not, right? So go ahead and do whatever pleases.

    Concerning lingua universalis, I’m not sure if something like that is possible or even desirable. And I’m not sure hand-wringing over “gendered language” or Eurocentricity are worth your trouble either. These are incidental aspects of language, constructed or not. Just my two cents.

  • Sorry, that was kind of a throwaway line. Of course anarchists do good work, and I know the infighting isn’t so bad in “real life.” Even so, I do think anarchism as a movement is driven by a desire to separate itself from AES, and that doing so entails the problems I’ve described. There’s a reason it’s a mostly western phenomenon. These are people who want to think of themselves as radicals, but have internalized too much propaganda to figure out when and how their media and schools lie to them. Consequently, they are pigeonholed into a movement which has effectively served as controlled opposition for American intelligence for the past sixty years or so.

    Anyone can do good work. Even Democrats sometimes do good work. But at some point, we need to get on the same page as to what “opposing the bourgeois state” actually means. It means multipolarity. It means opposing NATO expansion. It means maintaining normal relations with China. There are those who drag their feet on these issues, and it’s not a mystery where that reluctance is coming from.

  • There are a lot of places which might deserve similar treatment. I don’t see a reason to deprive Palestinians of their most important city. I also worry this argument plays into the idea that without international oversight, people in Palestine can’t get along with each other. They did before our interference, and they will do so again once real justice has been done. Just my two cents.