Red_Scare [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2020

  • I’ll also take an issue with the whole “vatnik” meme which is very classist.

    Vatnik is a quilted coat with extremely simple design: cotton wadding sewn between two sheets of fabtic, square torso, patch pockets sewn through with stiching showing on the other side, much like French chore coats. It originates from Cental Asian quilted robes and was worn in Russia since the 19th century.

    It was mass produced in the USSR since 1932, initially for the Red Army but quickly became ubiquitous - it was warm, sturdy, cheap, easy to produce, so it was used by hunters, construction workers, street sweepers, night watchmen, farmers, and virtually anyone who had to spend a lot of time outdoors in the Russian weather. It quickly spread all over Eastern Europe and Asia, widely used from Poland to Mongolia. As an item of the Eastern Block “heritage workwear”, vatnik is as iconic as denim for yanks.

    People wearing this cheap, crude coat pushed Nazis all the way back to Berlin. Incidentally, Hugo Boss designed Nazi coats didn’t fare quite as well in the Russian winter.

    In the 60s and 70s as the USSR economy provided better looking winter garments for its army and citizens, vatniks lost some of their use, but were still common in the rural areas, amongst poorer urban population, and as workwear, well after the dissolution of the USSR.

    People who use this word as an insult simply hate the workers and the poor.

  • No, economic value is still created at the point of commodity production. What happened is that industrial production has been outsourced to the global South and the value is being siphoned in the form of hugely undervalued commodities via unequal trade. This value is used to inflate payouts to the service, financial, and digital sectors in the global North. So looking purely at monetary value at the point of exchange one might come to the conclusion Twitter creates more value than agriculture, metallurgy etc. This is patently false under the labour theory of value.

    This is simply the final stage of imperialism and by the way, just notice that imperialists don’t start wars over Yandex, Baidu, TikTok etc, they start wars over natural gas, lithium, oil, wheat, access to cheap labour, etc.

  • Same as anyone else really. “Professional” here just means to treat it seriously, be ready to sacrifice, devote fully to the cause. This phrase never meant a career path within the bourgeois society.

    I was talking out of my arse! Went back and found the relevant place in Lenin’s “What is to be done”, chapter 4 part D, completely missed or forgot it:

    To be fully prepared for his task, the worker-revolutionary must likewise become a professional revolutionary. Hence B-v is wrong in saying that since the worker spends eleven and a half hours in the factory, the brunt of all other revolutionary functions (apart from agitation) “must necessarily fall mainly upon the shoulders of an extremely small force of intellectuals”. But this condition does not obtain out of sheer “necessity”. It obtains because we are backward, because we do not recognise our duty to assist every capable worker to become a professional agitator, organiser, propagandist, literature distributor, etc., etc. In this respect, we waste our strength in a positively shameful manner; we lack the ability to husband that which should be tended and reared with special care. […] A worker-agitator who is at all gifted and “promising” must not be left to work eleven hours a day in a factory. We must arrange that he be maintained by the Party; that he may go underground in good time; that he change the place of his activity, if he is to enlarge his experience, widen his outlook, and be able to hold out for at least a few years in the struggle against the gendarmes. As the spontaneous rise of their movement becomes broader and deeper, the working-class masses promote from their ranks not only an increasing number of talented agitators, but also talented organisers, propagandists, and “practical workers” in the best sense of the term (of whom there are so few among our intellectuals who, for the most part, in the Russian manner, are somewhat careless and sluggish in their habits). When we have forces of specially trained worker-revolutionaries who have gone through extensive preparation (and, of course, revolutionaries “of all arms of the service”), no political police in the world will then be able to contend with them, for these forces, boundlessly devoted to the revolution, will enjoy the boundless confidence of the widest masses of the workers. We are directly to blame for doing too little to “stimulate” the workers to take this path, common to them and to the “intellectuals”, of professional revolutionary training, and for all too often dragging them back by our silly speeches about what is “accessible” to the masses of the workers, to the “average workers”, etc.

  • Soldiers from special commando unit 112 with a Russian spy. The man, allegedly in possession of a fake Israeli passport, was living in Irpin months before the Russian invasion. Under interrogation he confessed his name is Alexei, from St Petersburg, married with a child and working for the Wagner Group

    That one’s bizarre, it’s a civilian sitting in the mud barefoot with some sort of bag over his head and a rope round his neck.

    So he lived in the area long before the invasion, but then was captured with an Israeli passport and under “interrogation” confessed to being a Russian spy?

    And given the number of Nazis in the army, nothing about this seems off to the “Guardian-reading wokerati”?

  • Wow what a shitty thing to say and upvote.

    Ukraine was a founding member of the USSR, the second largest republic, the bread basket of the whole country, and a major industrial centre.

    You pulled the idea that Ukrainians were some ungrateful exploiters during the USSR period straight out your arse.

    But to suggest that Ukrainians should be grateful to the West for the proxy war the West is so happy to wage to the last Ukrainian is something else.

    Really disappointing to see this liberal brain rot upvoted here.