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Joined 11 个月前
Cake day: 2023年11月8日


  • It’s not that it’s “no longer necessary” - it was never useful in the first place.

    The UNA framebuffer setting was always a severe misinterpretation by this subreddit (and purposely not fully explained by Cryo) that only matters for Windows users.

    The thousand page file tweaks were literally placebos. And the mere idea that Valve, the people working on low level drivers and Proton, wouldn’t know how to properly setup page files for their gaming device is laughable.

    The only setting that had the potential of mattering was the increased swap, but thanks to the increased complexity of a shared memory architecture this is extremely circunstancial and really dependent on what the game is doing. Most of the time, the “improvement” was preventing a single frame time spike every once in a while.

    Now you might think “jeez, but why are people so angry when talking about this?” because whenever somebody questioned the claims of this tool, or more importantly, the inner workings of the took, this subreddit would downvote them to oblivion. It’s bizarre that a literal placebo became almost worshipped in this place. And boy the clickbaity “make HOGWARTS LEGACY amazing” Cryo videos that took 30 minutes to show, after all the possible tweaks, margin of error differences that were explained as “oh no, I can’t measure any real improvement but trust me it feels better!”

    If somebody is showing you supposed results of their tool, but also claiming they can’t really be measured by any real metric and must be “felt”… they’re gaslighting you.

    If you go back 6 years, you’d see something similar on Android communities. Somebody would make a post about how you could change some build.prop parameters and delete the battery calibration file (which Google engineers explained was not even used) and that would make your performance significantly better! Of course, the person posting this amazing tip was also promoting their YouTube channel, and their PayPal tips jar. Rings a bell?

    Will using the tool somehow harm your device? No, it won’t. Will it improve performance? No, it won’t. Can we finally put this whole ordeal to rest?

  • This post, and the comments on the previous post, are worded in a bizarre way that somehow tries to imply Valve is attempting to hide the issue, or purposely not fixing it.

    At least 3 Valve developers already commented about it - several people already provided clean captures of the issue. They already claimed to be working on it.

    If you look at the thread on GitHub, there’s also a lot of noise, unnecessary comments and redundant videos. So yes, closing the issue and fixing it internally is a good move.

    What else do you expect them to do? Broadcast an apology on live television? Replace your Steam Deck with a gold bar? Personally send a DM to every Redditor?