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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • You, “I don’t worship Lenin”

    Me, “Here are several images just from this thread alone that shows you worship him. Your name also proves you worship him.”

    You, “Uhh let’s talk about something different! I can’t admit when I’ve been proven wrong so I’m going to pivot to different bullshit”

    Lol. Every time you’re proven wrong you move the goal posts. It’s no wonder you support mass murderers (and Russian nazis) while I support underdogs like Ukraine who are fighting Imperialist Russia to defend their homeland. SLAVA UKRAINI

  • Your username betrays your very first sentence (you claim not to worship Lenin). You can’t even start by making a truthful, coherent, or logical point. Look at how many images you’ve posted praising Lenin. You’re seriously claiming that you’re not worshiping him? You’re delusional.

    You’re defending a man who murdered 8 million people. Full stop. You also defend modern day Russia and their genocide against the Ukrainian people whenever you get a chance. Everything you say revolves around supporting Russia and their unwarranted murders. You’re not fooling anyone.

  • I’m a centrist who believes there are many sides. Middle is not necessarily the best place to be. Each issues requires careful consideration. I also don’t think compromise is necessary when one side is clearly wrong. For example, we don’t need to hear from climate change deniers or people who think other humans shouldn’t have body autonomy.

    I dislike the two-party system in the United States and wish we had more parties. We need things like Ranked Choice and Star voting methods to combat the two-party bullshit that’s forced down our throats. It feels like we’re constantly having to choose the lesser evil with the two party system.