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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 16th, 2023

  • I usually rest it on some type of surface, whether that be my lap or a pillow or a table. But it’s the little things that add up to not feeling “great,” for games that require a lot of precision/quickness.

    One issue is that I usually use 3 fingers on the back of the device because it’s heavy enough that just my pinky and ring finger would get tired after a while. That means bumpers are usually neglected and a bit harder to press because I feel I really have to stretch/reach more than normal with my index fingers.

    But the biggest thing is muscle memory of right stick being higher than other controller’s completely makes playing shooters a no-go.

    Normally, with any other controller, to look left you kind of push your right thumb “up”, to look up, you move your right thumb to the right, you look right by drawing thumb in, and look down by moving thumb left. The way the Steam deck has the right thumb stick high makes all of those moves incorrect, so it feels like I’m just not able to point things as naturally as it comes from gaming on controllers over the past 30 years of experience. I’m sure if I learned this way or retrained my brain by playing a lot more shooters on it, it would be fine, but I still play with other controllers on console/pc and not playing shooters on SteamDeck is a fine sacrifice.

  • There is an entire thread on the Steam Forums for this: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1675200/discussions/0/4038101970203502664/?ctp=8

    The short of it is that disabling the 160hz band (which is related to WiFi 6 in some way) helps.

    In order to get WiFi working for me (with my LE SD and my router being a Netgear Nighthawk RAX35) I had to

    • Disable 160hz by setting my 5GHz mode to “up to 1200 Mbps”
    • Factory Reset SD
    • Enter password to my 5GHz network, it failed to connect
    • Restart SD from Steam Menu
    • Attempt to connect again, no luck
    • Put SD to sleep with power button
    • Came back some time later and it was connected, and I was able to finish setup
    • Connection works but it takes about 2 minutes after waking from sleep to re-connect to WiFi