• chetradley@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Please tell me which of these you wouldn’t feasibly get through a well balanced plant based diet? I see this thoroughly debunked copypasta constantly, and the assumptions it makes are laughable. It ignores critical things like fortified foods, nutrients in non-plants like mushrooms and yeast, and how absorption of vitamins can be enhanced (for example, vitamin C greatly enhances absorption of non-heme iron).

    • squashkin@exploding-heads.comM
      1 year ago

      debunked copypasta

      got a link to the alleged debunking?

      fortified foods

      not really natural (so not good in a survival setting?)

    • Masterofballs@exploding-heads.com
      1 year ago

      Please tell me which of these you wouldn’t feasibly get through a well balanced plant based diet?

      See, the onus is on you. You want to come up with a diet that has never in the history of the human race been used to create and maintain a society. You need to come up with a diet plan that includes all of the nutrients I mentioned in ample amounts. Present it to us so we can laugh at it and point out it’s flaws. We know diets that include meat work. Because those diets are the reason you are here.

      fortified foods

      Like dog food?

      see this thoroughly debunked

      Then you will have no problem debunking it then?

      vitamin C greatly enhances absorption of non-heme iron

      Iron is one of the biggest issues with plant based diets in women. Especially those giving birth. My wife’s own nurse told us a story after my wife gave birth. How they were trying to get the iron levels to rise in a woman who lost lots of blood but would not take a blood transfusion (for religious reasons). They tried supplements, spinach. Didn’t work. Hours after eating liver her iron levels went right up where they needed to be.

      Iron absorption from plants is trash. A few people do have the ability to absorb more iron or vitamin A from plants but many can’t at all. Thats why you see vegan children all having those huge glasses. Their eyes went to shit from no nutrition.

      • chetradley@lemm.ee
        1 year ago

        I’m not coming up with anything. I saw that the majority of dieticians agree that with proper planning, a plant based diet is healthy, so I put the time into planning a diet that works for me. There’s nothing on your list that I’m not getting from non-animal sources.

        Here’s a debunk of the list with sources: https://youtu.be/xhEstYpyhvc.

        Dog food? Lol. Breakfast cereals, plant milks and breads are examples of fortified foods.

        Here’s a study to back up what I said about iron absorption. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/6940487/

        Feel free to link a study attributing vegan diets and glasses if you would like to back up your anecdotal claim.

        • Masterofballs@exploding-heads.com
          1 year ago

          Here’s a debunk of the list with sources: https://youtu.be/xhEstYpyhvc.

          That was not a debunking in the least. That was a 19 minute youtube advertisement for vegan supplements. It completely ignores the countless vegans who tried for years and ended up with severe health problems because absorption rate Varies from person to person. ESPECIALLY VITAMIN A

          You can eat dog food and stuff your mouth with supplements all you want i’m gonna enjoy, steak, fish, eggs and enjoy being healthy strong, fertile and happy.

          Feel free to link a study attributing vegan diets and glasses if you would like to back up your anecdotal claim.

          Feel free to show me a society that produces healthy fertile offspring on a strict vegan diet. There aren’t enough long term fertile vegans to study because like 80% of vegans give up. There are almost no multi generational vegans

            • Masterofballs@exploding-heads.com
              1 year ago

              You can get plenty of beta-carotine as well as preformed vitamin A on a plant based diet

              Not true for all people period end of story as peer reviewed papers show. I don’t get why you npc’s keep repeating yourself without resolving points.

              • chetradley@lemm.ee
                1 year ago

                Haha. Did you unironically call me an NPC?

                You made the blanket claim that humans need to eat animal products, yet every time you mention a necessary nutrient I provide non-animal sources, and your copy-paste statistics are blatantly misleading at best.

                • Masterofballs@exploding-heads.com
                  1 year ago

                  You keep saying that humans don’t need animal products but have yet to provide a example society who have not consumed animal products. Your Vegan brain fog has made it impossible for you to argue in good faith and likely unable to reproduce.

                  • chetradley@lemm.ee
                    1 year ago

                    I appreciate the concern, but I’ve already got one kid with another on the way.

                    My claim was that a plant-based (no animal products) diet can be nutritionally complete. I’m backing that claim up by citing non-animal sources of nutrients.

                    You told me I’m incapable of arguing in good faith in the same sentence as an ad hominem. You’re not just trolling me, are you?