Tesla on Thursday agreed to promote “core socialist values” with over a dozen Chinese car manufacturers who also vowed to do so, according to The Wall Street Journal.

  • Running_Out_of_Ideas@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Dengism is authoritarian crap, but at least that part has been consistent.

    If you believe you need a massive amount of internal development to achieve socialism, and you believe Marx that the capitalist class cannot help but constantly revolutionize production, then letting corporations in on a leash, using them for development, and then eventually kicking them out is a pretty smart play. You slow down the capitalist world’s desire to burn down any country with a red flag AND you get development.

    Unfortunately, of course, what this leads to in practice is pushing hundreds of millions of citizens into sweatshops and building an unaccountable class of capitalists and corrupt, self-interested, state-approved union bosses. It leads to suppressing striking workers and college Marxist reading groups. In other words, a type of capitalism just as ruthless as private capitalism, but without even the very limited protections you see in a lot of capitalist republics.

    • burningquestion@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Yeah, I mean the whole idea with the Chinese revolution was to build on the Russian revolution’s model, but the model developed in the Soviet Union was explicitly the horrible backup plan if the revolution in Germany failed and there was not going to be a highly-developed socialist European power to help Russia develop on a socialist basis. That was actually the original plan for the Russian revolution, and if the revolutionary wave of 1917-1919 or so hadn’t been crushed, it might actually have worked, or at least opened up a different developmental path than the one developed by the Soviets.

      And the Soviet model they developed was full of problems, to say the least.

      So in a sense, it kind of makes sense that if you don’t have a super-functional model for developing an economy, you can hack it by bringing back capitalism, but of course, now you have billionaires in the party and it’s politically extremely awkward to even try to talk about abandoning the market system in China even if you’re not advocating a return to the old planning system.

      • ikiru@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        This may reveal my own ignorance, but where could I read more about original plans for the October Revolution to coincide with or depend on a German socialist revolution?

        • some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
          1 year ago

          The Chapo Traphouse podcast had a series on this called Hinge Points. I suspect it was on the Patreon feed. I remember listening while visiting family in late 2021 if you want to look it up on a feed’s timeline.

        • burningquestion@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          It’s been too long since I did my reading on this to know where exactly to send you anymore (sorry) but I could clarify there was no actual plan for the German and Russian revolution to “coincide” (didn’t use that word, you’ll notice), because how would you even extract a promise to revolt in different countries at the same time, but the hope was that the Russian revolution would inspire revolutions in other countries. Which did very literally happen, although they grossly overestimated how easy it would be to unseat the governments of imperial Germany, UK, etc and the revolutions in Europe failed, at least in the places the Bolsheviks needed them to succeed. Ireland got its independence in this wave though, so that’s something!

          And to be clear, there was no specific backup plan. Loose phrasing on my part. What happened after that was that Lenin, who had generally managed to hold the Bolshevik party together, died, or was assassinated, who knows, and then they fell into power squabbles, and the USSR sort of cobbled together a social system out of the wreckage after the faction Stalin wound up leading won. Then we got everything that came after.

          Anyways, this is all crazy far afield of the original topic.